Basic neurosurgery instruments are used in brain surgery. It can be divided into many types according to their structure and functional characteristics. To be familiar with and master the use of surgical instruments is the most basic requirement for brain surgeons.
Basic neurosurgery instruments mainly include: rongeurs, mening forceps, brain spatula, bone chisels, curette, dissector, suction tube, hooks, retractors, cranial drills, etc..
bone pry (cranial bone)
bones forceps (skull)
brain beating hammer
brain curette
brain milk retractor
brain self-immobilization retractor
brain spatula
brain spatula-1
brain suction tube
clip applier
cranial periosteal dissector
double joint bone-biting forceps
double joint bone-biting forceps-1
hand-cranked skull drill
laminar retractor
laminar rongeur (brain lamina)
laminar rongeur (brain lamina)-1
laminar stripper
lip hook
mastoid retractor
meningeal forceps
meningeal hook
meningeal scissors
nerve hook
nerve root retractor
nerve stripper
periosteal dissector
periosteal dissector-1
quick aspiration needle
rapid puncture cone
replaceable suction handle
scalp clamp
scalp retractor
scalp stripper
scalp stripper-1
spring hook
trigeminal nerve scissors
tumor removal forceps
tumor temoval forceps
wire saw guide